Ike, Part 2
Written by Bob McCormick on 9/23/2008 08:44:00 PMWell,
We hung out in Austin for several days, waiting for the chaos in Houston to subside a bit. In addition, my brother in law drove by our house & told us we had no power, so there was no sense in heading back to Houston just to forage for gasoline, ice, and food. We came back on Thursday (18 Sept), to find that some of our old fences had fallen, and our front and back yards had tons of tree debris in it ... but nothing through the roof!
My brother in law had an air-conditioned apartment above his garage in League City, so without a generator for power, we decided to stay there while we'd clean up our house and wait for the power to come back. After cleaning out our refrigerator and our yards, we came back when power was reestablished to our house yesterday afternoon.
It will still be a while before things return to normal here. Our neighborhood came out OK (relatively speaking): we are close to the water and storm surge did affect parts of our little city and definitely parts of Clear Lake as a whole, and other people still do not have power to their homes. But all in all, we will recover and be the better for the experience.
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