Ike - finale

Written by Bob McCormick on 9/28/2008 03:31:00 PM


We are more-or-less settled back into our house since Ike. We lost all of our refrigerated food (and probably our freezer in the garage … it still reeks after being treated), as well as quite a few tree limbs.

The tree limbs and rotten food have been removed, and we have power restored to our house. However, I finally got the chance to drive down parts of Todville road in Seabrook - very close to Galveston Bay. Almost every single house had a 4 foot pile of furniture, carpeting, and other debris which will take a long time to be hauled away. I also saw about 100 refrigerators off of Red Bluff Drive in Seabrook, just sitting out in an open field.

In short, our neighbors to our immediate east and south (not to mention down on Galveston Island and on the Bolivar Peninsula) will take quite a while to recover from all this. Now is the time for us to roll up our sleeves and help our near neighbors out. I was on graveyard shift on console this week, so I couldn’t do that … but the rest of my family did. And we’ll need to keep it up for the next several months.


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