Another wise call for space exploration
Written by Bob McCormick on 5/26/2008 06:46:00 AMNeil DeGrasse Tyson (as I noted earlier) has not been the only scientific "celeb" to call for more space exploration. About a month ago, as part of NASA's 50th anniversary celebration, Stephen Hawking delivered a reasoned proposition on the subject - particularly human exploration and settlement of outer space.
Hawking posesses the capability to comprehend some of the most complex theories in existence. However, in this case, Hawking's argument is simple: Humanity needs to spread to outer space as a hedge against catastrophe on Earth. To do this, Hawking proposes that 0.25% of all worldwide GDP be invested in the effort. He also agreed that lunar settlement/colonization was the first necessary step in the process.
These types of goals are long term, which do not bode well in the short term political environment that most space exploration policy is created. But the case and investments have to be made.
Hat Tip - Keith Cowing/NASA Watch
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