VW Beetle ... Aaah yes, I remember it well

Written by Bob McCormick on 4/11/2008 12:08:00 PM

It must be something about those cars, I sorta have fond memories of mine too. Mine was a '68 Beetle that my parents gave me as my first car - they had originally bought it new, 10 years earlier. They used it in our move from Chicago to Dallas, and later, we used it in our move from Miami to Houston (more about those moves later).

I have no idea why I have those fond memories. It was a dark red, two-door sedan, with a black interior, and had no A/C - the perfect car for Texas. :*( It only had AM radio coming out of a tinny speaker near the instrument panel (later, I tried to mangle some speakers into the cardboard-paneled doors).

But, it was my car - my first car! It allowed me to get back and forth throughout all of High School.
Everything worked fine until the summer after I graduated High School. The engine block cracked - which is what tends to happen to aluminum block engines that have no water jacket.
It's the perfect kind of car to have as a "first car" - no flashiness, it just gets you where you need to get. Also, it means you have to learn how to use a manual transmission, which ought to be MANDATORY for all new drivers.

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  1. 2 comments: Responses to “ VW Beetle ... Aaah yes, I remember it well ”

  2. By Ken Albin on 6:09 PM

    I remember the VW cars on route 66. They used to build up all the speed they could so they could make it up to the top of each rise. These cars were unique for their day.

  3. By jen x on 1:12 PM

    Wow, this brings back memories. As a teenager I had an old (but still spritely) 1970 VW convertible: bright yellow body, black top. It looked like a fat happy bee :-)