Today's News

Written by Bob McCormick on 3/26/2008 09:45:00 PM

In today's news...

I was invited, and went to, the United Space Alliance's SARA (Superior Achievement and Recognition Award) awards event. I was invited as a nominee because I was a member of the OMEGA (Operations Planning Multilateral Exercise Group Assessment) team.

It was a team we spontaneously formed because we knew that we would be participating in ISS with the European Space Agency (ESA) and Japanese Exploration and Space Agency (JAXA) for the first time in 2008. We were concerned because it had been years since we had last tested these interfaces, and we needed to make certain that all parties had the same understanding as to when planning files needed to be transferred, and what information needed to be provided.

And while the event was starting, STS-123 was landing! Almost as if someone had planned it that way ... ;*)

And in other important news ... I was really sleepy after the event. And not because of the event. :*) I think my sleep shifting problems are over!

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