STS-115: Well done!

Written by Bob McCormick on 9/21/2006 11:01:00 PM

My apologies for not blogging this sooner, but ...

STS-115 came out great!

The crew was able to deploy the P3/P4 truss segment, carrying the new Solar Arrays. The Solar Arrays and their associated thermal radiator were deployed. Deploying big mechanical things on the ISS always looks cool, but deploying the Arrays is signficant - it starts us down the path of having enough electrical power onboard the ISS to support the Japanese and European laboratory modules (slated to be installed in the coming flights).

This mission was not without its glitches - some minor, some potentially major (such as the bolt loss during the EVA, and the liberated debris found floating on the day prior to the first reentry attempt). I'm confident that folks will be looking to understand those anomalies and come forward with recommendations to mitigate or eliminate them.

In the meantime, check out this NASA link - these pictures say a thousand words.

Congratulations to the STS-115 crew and FCT! Good job!

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